Researcher at Laboratory of Mathematical Logic of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Mathematical Institute, RAS and Laboratory of Internet Research, HSE, professor of the Academic University, RAS. Chief Research Officer in Neuromation
Completed his PhD under the supervision of Dmitry Vetrov and Ivan Oseledets, doing research at the intersection of tensor methods and machine learning. Senior research scientist, DeepMind, does research in the field of offline RL.
Head of Yandex and CERN projects. Participates in the development of EventIndex and EventFilter services, which Yandex has been providing for the LHCb experiment since 2011.
Ph.D., associate professor, head of laboratory of cognitive dynamic systems, MIPT, senior researcher Institute for Problems of Artificial Intelligence, FRC CSC RAS, member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Association for AI
PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Big Data and Information Retrieval, Faculty of Computer Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Lecturer at the Yandex School of Data Analysis.
Team Lead of several teams working on the optimization of neural network models at the Machine Intelligence Laboratory of MIPT. Graduated MIPT and Skoltech in Data Science, PhD student at MIPT.
Founder and head of ANO "Robopravo" Ph.D., member of the Expert Council of the State Duma of Russian Federation on digital economy and blockchain technologies, expert the Digital Economy program.
PhD, Professor of MIPT, Leading Researcher of the Federal Research Center of the Institute of Control Sciences of RAS, Editor-in-Chief of the Machine Learning and Data Analysis journal.
Ph.D, 2018-2020 - Technical Leader of Multilingual Speech Generation at Huawei. Since 2020 - Technical Leader of the Hybrid Video Codec Group in the Russian Huawei.
Researcher, Huawei. Previously worked as a researcher at the Laboratory of Neural Systems and Deep Learning at MIPT, Yandex, VKontakte, Cognitive Technologies.
Head of digital medicine, INVITRO, member of the expert council on information and communication technologies of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, head of the NBMZ
PhD, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Structures Analysis, Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics and Computer Science, HSE (Nizhny Novgorod)
PhD in ML (Skoltech). working on his Ph.D. Working on his PhD thesis, collaborated with the world's leading institutions: MIT (USA) and NTU (Singapore)
Graduated from NNSU. 5 лет в Intel. 5 years at Intel. 2 years in the autonomous car industry. Joined Huawei in 2020. Works in Optimization of neural networks, Huawei Ascend
PhD, Leading Researcher, Research Computing Center, MSU, professor of the philological faculty of MSU, professor of N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University
PhD, professor of the Department of Information Processing and Control Systems, creator of mivar technologies of logical artificial intelligence, director of the MIVAR Research Institute
Генеральный директор BigData Team. Руководитель онлайн-специализации Coursera «Big Data for Data Engineers» в партнерстве с Яндексом Руководитель практических курсов по большим данным и машинному обучению для B2B и B2C сегментов.